Minority Stress and Protective Factors for Body Image Concerns and Disordered Eating Among a Cohort of Transgender and Nonbinary Youth: A Preliminary Longitudinal Study

International Journal of Transgender Health (2025) Authors: Emmett Line, Dougie Zubizarreta, Stephanie Budge, Ryan Watson, Allegra  Gordon, S. Bryn Austin, and Sabra Katz-Wise. Abstract:  Background Transgender and/or nonbinary (TNB) youth experience elevated risk of body …

Fostering Accurate Reasoning About Outgroups: Experimental Evidence From Intergroup Relation Frames on Conspiracy Beliefs Amid Sino–U.S. Tensions

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (2024) Authors: Yiming Wang, Liwei Shen, Kaiping Chen Abstract: In an era of intergroup tensions and conspiracy theories, our study examines whether threat-mitigation news frames can counter U.S. public beliefs …

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Racially/Ethnically Minoritized College Students with Psychiatric Disabilities

Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability (2024) Authors:  Kyesha Isadore, Angélica Galván, Amber O’Shea Abstract: Research suggests that racially/ethnically minoritized (REM) students with psychiatric disabilities are less likely to receive support services, have poorer therapeutic …