Affiliate Publications


An Overlooked Explanation for Increasing Suicidality: LGBQ Stressors Felt by More Students. Joseph Cimpian and Mollie McQuillan. Educational Researcher (2025).

Gender-Stereotype Messaging Impacts Perceptions of the Field of Speech-Language Pathology. Courtney K. Broadfoot, Jenni Wu, Samantha L. Morello, Janet L. Branchaw, Markus Brauer, Jordan M. Schwakopf, and Nicole Rogus-Pulia. SIG 14 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (2025).

Minority Stress and Protective Factors for Body Image Concerns and Disordered Eating Among a Cohort of Transgender and Nonbinary Youth: A Preliminary Longitudinal Study. Emmett Line, Dougie Zubizarreta, Stephanie Budge, Ryan Watson, Allegra  Gordon, S. Bryn Austin, and Sabra Katz-Wise. International Journal of Transgender Health (2025).

The Manosphere and Politics. Mariel Barnes and Sabrina Karim. Comparative Political Studies (2025).


Contemplative Practices and the Movement Toward a More Just Criminal Legal System. Daniel Grupe, Sophia Diamantis, and Carmen Alonso. Orthopsychiatry (2024).

Are Skills Becoming an Increasingly Important Determinant of Life Outcomes? Douglas B. Downey, Benjamin Gibbs, Eric GrodskySocius (2024)

Fostering Accurate Reasoning About Outgroups: Experimental Evidence From Intergroup Relation Frames on Conspiracy Beliefs Amid Sino–U.S. Tensions. Yiming Wang, Liwei Shen, Kaiping Chen. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (2024).

Material Hardship and Sources of Support for Autistic Adolescents and Their Families. Kristy A. Anderson, Melissa Radey, Lauren BishopNahime G Aguirre Mtanous, Jamie Koenig, Lindsay Shea. Autism (2024).

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Racially/Ethnically Minoritized College Students with Psychiatric Disabilities. Kyesha Isadore, Angélica Galván, Amber O’Shea. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability (2024).

Systems Approaches for Uncovering Mechanisms of Structural Racism Impacting Children’s Environmental Health and Development. Devon C. Payne-Sturges, Ellis Ballard, Janean Dilworth-BartEarly Childhood Research Quarterly (2024). 

Measuring Social-Emotional Development in Schoolchildren: A National-Level Analysis of ECLS-B Cohort Data. Quentin Riser, Heather Rouse, Ji Young Choi. Journal of Social Psychology (2024). 

Media as a Locus for Family Ethnic-Racial Socialization: U.S. Youth Report on Discussions and Mutual Mediation. Marie-Louise Mares, Anne Marie McClain, Nicole Martins, McCall Booth, and Yuchi Anthony Chen. Media Psychology (2024). 

Improving Bilingual Capabilities of Language Models to Support Diverse Linguistic Practices in Education. Anand Syamkumar, Nora Tseng, Kaycie Barron, Shanglin Yang, Shamya Karumbaiah, Rheeya Uppal, Junjie Hu. Computation and Language (2024).

Sexual Harassment and Hierarchical Workplace Relationships after #MeToo: Consequences for Women SubordinatesChloe Grace Hart and Heather McLaughlin. Socius (2024). 

Bridging Digital Divides in Wisconsin: An Examination of Policy Efforts and Effectiveness Over the Past Five Years. Ashley Cate, Steven Moen, and Kaiping Chen. Information, Communication, and Society (2024).

Flourishing Together: Leveraging Social-Personality Psychology in Community Building for Scholars of Color. Angela C. Bell, Kelci Harris, and Morgan C. Jerald. Social and Personality Psychology Compass (2024).

Diversity and Inclusion Have Greater Support than Most Americans Think. Naomi Isenberg and Markus BrauerScientific Reports (2024). 

Chronic Health Conditions Among Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in a State Medicaid System. Kiley McLean and Lauren Bishop. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2024).

Transgender Adolescent School Climate, Mental Health, and Adult Social Support. Mollie T. McQuillan, Joseph R. Cimpian, Benjamin A. LebovitzErin K. Gill  JAMA Pediatrics (2024).

Children’s Perceptions of Race and Ethnicity in Media: A 25-year Update to Children Now. Nicole Martins, Marie-Louise Mares, McCall Booth, Anne Marie McClain. Journal of Applied Communication Research (2024). 

Utilizing Mentorship Education to Promote a Culturally Responsive Research rTaining Environment in the Biomedical Sciences. Sarah Suiter, Angela Byars-Winston, Fátima Sancheznieto, Christine Pfund, Linda Sealy. PLoS ONE (2024).

A Brief Pro-Diversity Social Marketing Intervention Improves Grades and Well-Being of Students from Marginalized Groups Mitchell R. Campbell, Kevin R. Kennedy, Andrea Miller, Markus Brauer. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2024).

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