
Angela Byars-Winston profile picture
Angela Byars-Winston

Angela Byars-Winston

Chair, Institute for Diversity Science


Dr. Angela Byars-Winston is the inaugural chair of the Institute for Diversity Science. She is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor (tenured) in the Division of General Internal Medicine within the Department of Medicine, associate director in the Collaborative Center for Health Equity, and faculty lead in the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research.

Dr. Byars-Winston’s research examines cultural influences on academic and career development, especially for women and individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in the sciences, engineering, and medicine with the aim of broadening their participation in STEM fields…


Profile photo of Markus Brauer

Markus Brauer

Executive Director, Institute for Diversity Science


Dr. Markus Brauer is the Executive Director of the Institute for Diversity Science, and a professor in the Department of Psychology, with secondary appointments in the Wisconsin School of Business and the School of Medicine and Public Health (all UW–Madison).

As a social psychologist, Dr. Brauer conducts basic and applied research aimed at changing behavior in various domains, including diversity, sustainability, health, civil behaviors, or productive workplace behaviors. He is an expert on climate surveys, institutional culture change, and effective methods to diversify the scientific workforce. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (WiscAMP) leadership team, where he directs a research program aimed at reducing achievement gaps in STEM courses…
