Louis Lindley (he/him) is a dedicated advocate and researcher focused on advancing understandings of gender dysphoria among trans and nonbinary (TNB) individuals. As a white queer trans man, his personal journey informs and drives his academic pursuits. Louis Lindley actively advances understanding and improves outcomes for TNB individuals through a comprehensive, community-engaged approach, making significant contributions to both research and practice in the field of TNB health care.
Research areas: Gender dysphoria, Trans and nonbinary coping strategies, Trans and nonbinary sexuality, Gender minority stress
IDS Faculty Affiliate Supervisor: Stephanie Budge
Lindley, L., Lee, J., Norton, M. & Budge, S.L. (2024). Sociocultural messages about gender dysphoria (dis)align with the lived experiences of trans and nonbinary individuals: A qualitative study. Sex Roles. 90, 508–526. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-024-01460-7
Lindley, L. & Budge, S. L. (2024). Challenging and Understanding Gendered Narratives: The Development and Validation of the Transnormativity Measure (TM). International Journal of Transgender Health, 25(2), 295–312. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2023.2218365