In early 2024, the Institute for Diversity Science sponsored a workshop and panel at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference on Antiracist Resources and Actions in Academia. The sessions offered tools and strategies, shared here, that individuals in academia can use to improve racial equity in their communities and academic groups. While some of these tools were developed around specific disciplines such as psychology or neuroscience, they are useful as models for those in academia who want develop their own resources or communities working on antiracism efforts.
Resource: Antiracist Academic Resources in Psychology
Learning and Action Groups meet intentionally and often to learn about antiracist topics and engage in actions to improve inequities. The Antiracism Learning and Action in Neuroscience group (ALAN) is an example.
IDS Podcast Episode: IDS Chair Angela Byars-Winston hosted UW-Madison graduate students Kendall Holley, Ben Douglas, and Michelle Marji for a podcast episode on Antiracism Resources and Actions in Academia.
National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Report: Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations (2023)