Panel on Antiracist Resources and Actions in Academia at SPSP Conference

The Institute for Diversity Science sponsored a workshop on Antiracist Resources and Actions in Academia that took place on February 9th at the 2024 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference.
Picture of conference with audience at tables listening to a panel of presenters.
Anti-Racist Resources and Actions in Academia Session

The session offered tools and strategies that individuals in academia can use to improve racial equity in their communities and academic groups. The presentation included a discussion about organizing antiracist “Learning and Action Groups.” Learning and Action Groups meet intentionally and often to learn about antiracist topics and engage in actions to improve inequities. The panel addressed how consistent learning about antiracism in academia is important and how this learning can be used to enact change.

The session offered resources gathered across several years, including a BIPOC researcher listserv, inclusive presentation strategies, and others. Presenters discussed ways to implement these tools in practice.

Resource: Antiracist Academic Resources in Psychology

Panelists Dr. Mikaela Spruill, Dr. Morgan Jerald, Dr. Sohad Murrar, and Dr. Michael Perez spoke about their experiences integrating antiracist practices in their work as academics.

Key learning outcomes from the session included:

  • understanding how to organize and maintain antiracist learning and action groups in academia
  • leveraging privilege to improve racial equity in academia
  • understanding resources and strategies for engaging in anti-racist science, teaching, and mentorship


  • Michelle Marji
  • Kendall Holley
  • Katherine Swerbenski
  • Benjamin Douglas


  • Morgan Jerald
  • Sohad Murrar
  • Mikaela Spruill
  • Michael Perez