Alexis Avery

Position title: Doctoral Student, Management and Human Resources Department, Wisconsin School of Business


Alexis is currently a PhD candidate in the Management and Human Resources Department at the Wisconsin School of Business. She brings over a decade of experience from her roles at U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the federal government, where she spearheaded and contributed to numerous organizational assessment initiatives. Alexis earned a Master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from the University of Georgia and is a member of The PhD Project, Blacks in I-O, the Academy of Management, SIOP, and Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.

Using a macro and micro level perspective, Avery examines how and why skin tone discrimination within the workplace influences employee outcomes and experiences. She also study how increases in demographic diversity impact behavior within the organization as well as its impact on society.

Research areas: Diversity Management, Colorism, Racial Diversity, Cultural Erasure, Incivility

IDS Affiliate Faculty Supervisor: Jirs Meuris